OpenMake Meister

Central Logging


The Knowledgebase Server manages all Public and Private Build logs submitted for z/OS builds.  Users with the correct read privileges can view Public Workflow logs even if they did not execute the Workflow. A Private Workflow Log can only be viewed by the original creator. The Public Workflow Logs are stored on the Knowledgebase Server until they are deleted or archived.   The Knowledgebase Server manages private Workflow Logs based on date, specifically Workflow Logs created "Today", "Yesterday", "<Day of Current Week>", "1 Week", "2 Weeks", "1-3 Months", and "More Than 3 Months". This organization minimizes the amount of administration necessary to clean up Logs that are no longer needed.  Workflow can also be saved and checked into a Configuration Management tool for permanent record keeping. Workflow Logs are stored in XML format and can be viewed via any browser tool.  All Workflow Logs are written to the Knowledgebase Server.