OpenMake Meister

Borland StarTeam

Activity Plug-in


Update from StarTeam

This Workflow Activity takes updates from the StarTeam file repository and applies them to your workspace, usually at the start of a Workflow before other activities are conducted. The Workflow Activity contains fields for username, password, host, port, project, view, and view path.


Execute Meister Incremental Build with StarTeam Audit


This Workflow Activity runs an incremental build while auditing all files used in the build, exposing artifacts that are not stored in StarTeam.  When items are found in the StarTeam repository, they are reported on with the version history.   The Workflow Activity contains fields for the Audit Report name, options, targets, and variable settings. Note: You must execute a Meister Build Control File Workflow Activity before this step.


Execute Meister Clean All Build with StarTeam Audit

This Workflow Activity runs a re-build of all objects while auditing all files used in the build, exposing artifacts that are not stored in StarTeam.  When items are found in the StarTeam repository, they are reported on with the version history.   The Workflow Activity contains fields for the Audit Report name, options, targets, and variable settings. Note: You must execute a Meister Build Control File Workflow Activity before this step.